Should you need urgent health advice please contact your GP or call NHS 111. In an emergency please visit A&E or call 999.

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust is responsible for the writing, publishing and updating of the content on this page.

Useful resources and downloads for parents

  • Date published:

  • Author: oliverkyle

Please see below for specific resources and downloads that you may have been referred to from the Healthy Together team at Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.


Young boy playing


Promoting positive behaviour

Young boy working at home


Upset child

Supporting Pack

Anger and worry

General information regarding ASD

Child reading with parents

Social Stories

Mental wellbeing and anxiety

List compiled by the Community Paediatrics team at Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.


Young girl sleeping

List compiled by the Community Paediatrics team at Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.

Social Support

Group of children together

List compiled by the Community Paediatrics team at Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.

Educational Support

Support in the classroom

The SENCO at your child’s nursery, school or college is always the best place to start, but here are the links of your local SENDIASS service who are free and legally trained to support you:

List compiled by the Community Paediatrics team at Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.

ChatHealth Logo

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust runs a confidential secure text messaging service for parents of children aged 0-19 years called Chat Health. The service operates Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm, excluding bank holidays. All texts will be responded to by a public health nurse (health visitor/school nurse) within 24 hours. Outside of the service working hours, you’ll receive a message back to inform you that your text will be responded to once the line reopens.

Should you require urgent health advice in the meantime, please contact your GP, visit an NHS walk-in centre or call NHS 111. For emergencies, dial 999 or visit A&E.

Leicester City: text 07520 615381

Leicestershire & Rutland: text 07520 615382