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National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)

  • Date published:

  • Author: divacreativetech

To help the School Nurses provide the best health advice and support for your child, the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) is in place for Reception and Year 6 children.

Do you have a child in reception class or year 6? Look out for the electronic leaflet telling you all about it  from the School Nursing team via your child’s school.

Reception children:

The leaflet will include information  in order to check your child’s height, weight, vision and hearing.

Your child does not have to take part but by doing so they are contributing to the national picture about how children are growing.

Year 6 children:

Your child will be weighed and measured in school as part of the National Child Measurement Programme which is a nationwide programme for Public Health England to collect data to see how our children are growing and developing. Advice on healthy eating and exercise can be found on the Change For Life Campaign

Concerned about the results?

You can always contact your school nursing team with queries or advice on how to benefit your child’s health.

To find a contact, use the ‘school nurses’ tab on the homepage and search for the relevant school.

Alternatively, here are some healthy eating tips and ways you can make a healthy diet fun for the family.