Covid impact survey

Looking at the impact Covid-19 had on pregnancy, parents and carers and their young children.
As part of the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, Public Health at Nottinghamshire County Council is undertaking a series of covid impact assessments.
One of these is focusing on the impact it had on pregnancy, parents and carers and their young children living within Nottinghamshire.
If you have a child or children aged between 1-6 years, the council would like to find out what impact Covid-19 had on you.
As part of the recovery from the pandemic the authority is keen to explore the impact it had on pregnancy, parents and carers and their young children living within Nottinghamshire.
Please find link below to a survey which should take around 15 minutes to complete.
Closing date for completed surveys is 30th October, 2022.
By entering you will be in with a chance of winning 1 of 3 £20 high street gift vouchers.