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Food On Our Doorstep (FOOD) clubs

  • Date published:

  • Author: callumkimberley

Food clubs which provide families with good quality food at a low cost.

Family Action has launched Food On Our Doorstep (FOOD) clubs to provide good quality food at a low cost, while also reducing food waste, and the service is available in Nottinghamshire.

It costs just £1 a year for a family to become a member. Once you have joined, you can purchase a bag of tasty food items every week worth approximately £10-£15 for just £3.50! To become a member you must live or work within about 15 minutes of a club.

There are a number of FOOD Clubs around the county including at Children’s Centres.

To view a directory list of current clubs in Nottinghamshire, visit the Notts Help Yourself website.

You can also get in touch by emailing

For more information on the Nottinghamshire Childhood Obesity Trailblazer Project, visit the Childhood Obesity Trailblazer Project webpage.