Involvement Groups appeal
Help us shape the future of children and young people's health services.
We need you!
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is seeking the views of parents, carers and young people to help shape our services going forward.
Our Parents and Carers Involvement Group is looking for people to make a difference to young people’s health services with our first online meeting on MS Teams on Tuesday, 16th April 2024, from 10am to 11am.
And our Young Person’s Involvement Group wants to hear from young people aged 14-18 years who have experience of children and young people’s health services.
This group’s first online meeting will be on MS Teams on Tuesday, 16th April 2024 from 4pm until 5pm.
They will give you the chance to share your feedback and real-life experiences of services.
For more information and to register for either event, please visit the Involvement Partner Opportunities website.