Relationships Really Matter Programme for practitioners
Resources to help practitioners working with families having issues with disagreements in Nottinghamshire.
We know that all families have disagreements and that this is normal, but we also know that in times of stress these disagreements can increase and affect the whole family, including the children.
The Relationships Really Matter Programme in Nottinghamshire offers resources to parents to recognise the difference between ‘normal’ arguments and when their disagreements are becoming more intense and frequent and are not easily resolved.
The programme informs them of where they can access support to improve their communication and relationships.
If you are working with a family where you think that parental conflict is affecting the family, you can access and direct families to these resources. The programme offers support to all parents and carers, whether they are together or separated.
Support is available for parents and carers via the Notts Help Yourself webpage on Nottinghamshire County Council’s Relationships Really matter pages – Relationships Really Matter: | Notts Help Yourself. Here parents/carers can find lots of helpful information about what parental conflict is and what support is available locally and nationally to help them improve their communication.
The One plus One Programme offers three FREE online resources that parents and carers can work through to help them learn to cope with stress and communicate better, wherever they are in their parenting journey. Me you and Baby Too is for expectant and new parents looking at how to communicate well and why it is important for your baby, Arguing Better is for couples that are still in a relationship but want to communicate better in times of stress, and Getting it Right for the Children is for separating and separated parents/carers looking at how to stop children being pulled into the middle of what is happening.
Parents who want to get in touch can send an email to or visit: Nottshelpyourself | Relationships Really Matter: 5. What Help Can I Get Locally?
They also offer FREE training to practitioners if they would like to know more about the programme and how to identify and support parents where conflict is impacting on their children. The links are below:
Awareness training – 1 hour training on the topic of parental conflict itself, including impacts, types and ways to discuss relationships with families.
RRM + OPO training – 1.5 hour training on free handy resources for practitioners, including One plus one digital resource parents.
There is also free e -learning for services provided by NSCP – Catalogue
Programme organisers are happy to offer bespoke training if practitioners/services are unable to access any of the online training. For more details of this and for any other questions, contact Ann Meakin at the Reducing Parental Conflict Team at: