Supporting Children with Special Educational or Additional Needs
There are a significant number of children who need some extra support because they have special and/or additional needs. Children might have learning needs or learning disabilities, complex physical needs or disability. Schools often refers to children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SENDi). School Nurses work with other professionals in health, social care and schools to support children and young people who have additional needs. Read on to find out more.
Sometimes a child may need some extra help in school because they have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities in school or other education settings. Children might be referred to as having Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND). Your child’s teacher or the Special Educational Needs Teacher (SENCo) in school might recommend that your child receives some extra support and help at school. This is likely to initially involve assessment and support provided by the school. If additional support is needed then the teacher or SENCo might recommending asking for advice and support from other education and/or health professionals.
What is the SEND Code of Practice?
The SEND Code of Practice is a statutory guidance for those who work with and support children and young people with SEND in England. It provides for children and young people from birth to the age of 25. This code of practice helps professionals across education, health and care to work together to provide additional support for children with SENDi. Your child’s school will be able to explain about the code of practice and what the local offer is.
Early Help and SENDi
Walsall provide Early Help to children, young people and families who need extra support. The aim is to ensure the right help is offered at the right time. Here is some more information about Early Help and SENDi
School Nursing Service and SENDi
School Nurses and their teams work with other health professionals such as Speech and Language Therapists and Paediatricians to help assess and support children and young people. We also work with schools, Educational Psychologists and Early Help workers to ensure children and young people have access to the right advice and support. We offer:
- Health assessments if children present with physical and emotional health problems
- Referral to other health professionals when more specialist assessment is required
- Workshops for parents about a range of health issues which we have adapted for parents of children with SENDi
- Children groups for anxiety and self esteem
- Parent groups such as Understanding your child or Cygnet (for parents of children with Autism)
Our Workshops
Listen to one of School Nurse team presenting webinars with information, advice and top tips
- Understanding Your Child’s Emotions
- Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour
- Toileting Workshops
- Bedwetting (enuresis) workshops
- Fussy Eating workshop
Parenting Groups
We also run the Cygnet Parenting group which is for parents and carers of children with a diagnosis of Autism. To find out more or book a place ‘’ or call our Single Point of Access 01922 423349.