Should you need urgent health advice please contact your GP or call NHS 111. In an emergency please visit A&E or call 999.

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Family services


Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Stalking support


FearFree (previously known as Splitz Support Service and FearLess) is a charity working to break the cycle of domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking across the Southwest.  FearFree provides: 1-to-1 victim support for adults and children with experience of domestic abuse; 1-to-1 support for perpetrators; and support for children and young people. The service is tailored to individual needs and victims of domestic abuse will be supported to stay safe and recover.


FFLAG is a national voluntary organisation and registered charity dedicated to supporting parents and families and their LGBT+ members.



  • provides a central point for exchange of information between parents groups and local parent contacts
  • supports the full human and civil rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals
  • speaks out and acts to defend and enhance those human and civil rights
  • offers information through publications available by post and online

Intercom Trust

Intercom Trust is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans+ charity and advocacy organisation that is devoted to supporting people of all ages and genders from the LGBT+ communities by providing help, advocacy, counselling, training, information, support groups for all ages, and more.

Pact – Support for prisoners, people with convictions, and their children and families

Pact runs the national Prisoners’ Families Helpline, a free and confidential service which offers practical and emotional support, information and advice to anyone who is affected by imprisonment, in a straightforward, non-judgemental way.


Proud2Be is a social enterprise that can offer family-friendly socials and coffee mornings for family members of LGBTQ+ children and young people.


X-Plore provides a safe and empowering space for LGBTQ young people in Devon, offering group sessions with trained youth workers.


To join a group get in touch via email, Facebook, or Instagram.


Parents of children who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity, can also find support with X-Plore.


The Y-Project provides support for children and young people who are affected by their parent, carer, or sibling’s use of drugs or alcohol.

Feelings and emotions

Balloons Charity for Bereaved Children and Young People

Bereavement support for children and young people aged 5-25 in Exeter, East and Mid-Devon.

CAMHS Resources

CAMHS Resources was created for carers, young people, and professionals to bring together lots of helpful resources that are available to help support mental health and well-being.

Children and Families in Grief (CFG)

Bereavement support for children and young people in South Devon.

Families in Grief

Bereavement support for both children/young people and their parents/carers living in North Devon and Torridge areas.


If you are worried about your child’s behaviour or mental health, you can find reliable resources on HappyMaps that have been recommended by other parents and professionals.

Jeremiah’s Journey

Bereavement support for children and young people from Plymouth and the immediate surrounding area.

Parental Minds

Parental Minds gives support to the parents of children struggling with their mental health. They believe that the parental voice is vital when families are living with mental health issues.

Pete’s Dragons

Help if you or your child is living through the suicide of a loved one.

Getting help

Children and Family Health Devon (CFHD)

Children and Family Health Devon provide children’s health services which includes access to the following services:

  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • speech and language therapy
  • occupational therapy
  • children’s community nursing service
  • autism spectrum assessment service
  • special school nurse service
  • learning disability team
  • specialist children’s assessment centres (SCAC)
  • early years complex needs team
  • palliative care team
  • SIGNPOStplus (information service for children with additional needs)

Devon and Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

The Devon & Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) provides medical support including examination, as well as practical and emotional support (including counselling) after rape or sexual assault.

Devon Information Advice and Support (DiAS)

Devon Information Advice and Support (DiAS) gives free, confidential and impartial information about special education needs and disability (SEND). They provide individualised support to help you make choices and decisions in a way that works best for you.

Disabled Children’s Service

The Disabled Children’s service offers support, as well as advice and practical help, to families with a disabled child. The type of support you can receive depends on the individual needs of your child and family.

Family Hubs

Children’s centres in Devon are currently transitioning to Family hubs and provide services to the whole family, starting from pregnancy through to 19 years, when families most need support using the “team around the family” approach. Find out more via Action for Children.


Action for Children run the Family Hubs in the Devon County Council area.


Request support – Devon Family HUBS – Parent Carer Request for Contact (

Parent Talk (Live chat) – 1:1 chat – Parent Talk (


Lifeworks is a charity that provides support for people with learning disabilities including free online activities (safe-space), youth group, and residential care or short breaks.

Solihull Online Courses

Online course modules that help you to understand your child through various stages of their life. There are modules that focus on additional needs, feelings, mental health, relationships and more.


You will need an access code to enter the modules. Use ‘TAMAR’.

Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND)

The local offer provides information about help and support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. It brings together information about education, health and care services, voluntary agencies, leisure activities and support groups in one place.

Young Carers

Devon Young Carers work with people aged 4 to 18 who help look after a friend or someone in their family who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs and alcohol. Support can include specialist advice, access to respite opportunities, and 1-to-1 support.

Staying healthy


Information and resources for children, young people and families about asthma including:

– What is asthma

– Managing asthma

– Peak flow meter

– Asthma inhalers

– Triggers and prevention

– Resources and advice

MyHealth Devon

Information about local NHS services, referrals and support.

School Age Immunisation Service

The School Age Immunisation Service provides vaccinations for seasonal flu, HPV, teenage booster (tetanus, diphtheria and polio) and the meningitis ACWY for school aged young people.

Stop for Life Devon

Free health service to support you as a parent with your health and wellbeing goals. Includes advice and support around losing weight, quitting smoking, drinking less and being more physically active.


Get started with support by completing the request through StopForLife.


For general queries, email and for referrals, email


Previously OneSmallStep


Staying safe

Devon and Cornwall Police

Information and resources to support your safety and to help to understand police related topics.

Visit the 6-10 year old page or the parents page for more targeted support and guidance.

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

If you are worried about your child’s safety, or the safety of another child or young person, contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). If there is an immediate risk, contact the police on 999.