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Bullying Overhanging boy

Bullying can make you feel scared and lonely.

No-one should be made to feel like this, and it is important to tell a grown-up and get help if you’re being bullied.

What is bullying?

Bullying is when someone upsets you on purpose, either by what they say or by what they do.

Bullying is different to just having an argument with someone or falling out with one of your friends because bullies set out to hurt you again and again.

Types of bullying

There are different types of bullying, these include:


A bully might hurt you regularly by hitting or kicking you, spitting at you, throwing stones or pushing you.


Bullies can hurt you with the words they use. They might say unkind things to you or about you, talk about you behind your back or tell lies about you.

They might whisper loudly so you can hear them to make you feel uncomfortable.

Other behaviour

Bullying behaviour can also include:

  • Staring or giving ‘dirty looks’
  • Ignoring you
  • Hiding or taking your things
  • Deliberately leaving you out

Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying is through a mobile phone or online- sending unkind messages, videos or photos to upset or hurt someone.

What can you do if you’re being bullied?

Bullying is wrong and no-one deserves to be bullied.

If you are being bullied or you are worried about someone being bullied, tell a teacher or talk to your parents.

You can also ring Childline (0800 1111) if you feel that you have no one you can trust to speak to.

Nurse holding image
If you are being bullied or are worried about someone being bullied, tell a teacher, your parents or school nurse.
Nurse holding image

Page last reviewed: 12-12-2024

Next review due: 13-12-2027