Feelings - Health For Kids

For our emotions to be healthy, we also need to look after ourselves.
It is normal for things to change but sometimes this loss can be hard to cope with.
Being autistic means that your brain works slightly different from other people’s. Read more about autism here.
Sometimes you might have mean or unkind thoughts about yourself or the way you look. These thoughts are to do with your body image and self-esteem, which you can find out more about in this video.
Bullying happens when weak people want to feel more powerful, so they pick on people and make them feel bad.
Feeling worried is never nice – find out ways to help you deal with this feeling.
You can draw a picture or write about how you feel on our activity sheet.
Use this interactive tool to write down your feelings and see them float away…
Whenever you feel worried or upset, there is something you can do to help called mindfulness.
Moving from primary to secondary school is an exciting step, but it’s common to feel nervous about this too.
It is ok to feel bad. But normally this feeling does not go on forever.