Staying Healthy - Health For Kids

Teeth are very important and you need to take really good care of them, because they need to last you your whole lifetime
Being active is great fun, and very good for your health! Find out about different ways you can get moving and be fitter.
Sometimes, it’s good to look away from our screens and enjoy the real world. Here are five fun reasons why.
Buying alcohol is illegal under the age of 18.
As you get older, your body will start to change, and it’s good to know what to expect.
Being in the sunshine is a complicated thing – too much sunshine and we burn our skin, too little and we miss out on vitamin D.
The way you feel, learn and behave are all because of your character. Find out more about the different parts that make up your character.
Being a good friend brings together lots of different parts of your character.
By working on different parts of your character, you can become more resilient.
With practice and training, you can improve different parts of your character to boost your self-esteem.
To stay fit and healthy throughout your life it is really important that you eat a balanced diet every day.
Here are some interesting things about your blood and what happens when you need to have a blood test.
Enter the jungle world yourself as you dance along with the video to exercise and have fun!
Pressure ulcers are sore patches that occur on your body. Learn more about pressure ulcers and how to prevent them.
You and your lunchbox companion could score 100% by choosing a balanced lunch, are you ready to step up to the plate?
Everyone’s eyesight is different, you might know some people who wear glasses or contact lenses and others who don’t need them at all.
The Operation Ouch! team are on hand to tell you all about bumps, cuts, bangs and other head injuries.
Periods are a normal part of growing up for all girls once your body is going through puberty.
Sleep is one of the things that gives us the energy we need to get through the day – to run, jump, play, make new friends and have fun.
How fast do sneezes travel? Why do we cough? And what is a cold anyway?
There are a few simple ways to help stop flu, including the flu vaccine.
Check out Lil T’s rap about staying healthy!
Our health is really important, and there are small choices we can make every day to make sure we look after our health.
To stay healthy it is really important that all members of the family wash their hands properly.
Never be in or around water on your own, you should always be with an adult or go where there are lifeguards to help you if you need it.
Vaping is a way to help adults quit smoking.
Smoking damages the heart and blood circulation, making it more likely that someone who smokes regularly will get heart disease, or have a heart attack.