Looking after my teeth
Teeth are very important and you need to take really good care of them because they need to last you your whole lifetime.
You can make sure your teeth are healthy by:
- Not eating too many sweets
- Brushing your teeth for at least two minutes, twice a day using a squirt of toothpaste (Tip: a timer is useful for measuring two minutes)
- Changing your toothbrush every three to four months to stop it wearing out
- Making sure you brush every bit of each tooth – front and back, top and bottom!
- Visiting your dentist at least once a year
Did You Know?
You have 20 baby teeth, which will start falling out when you are about six years old. By the time you are an adult you will have 32 teeth. If you don’t have a dentist, your Parent/Carer can visit the NHS website or contact 111 to find one nearby.
You should have your own toothbrush, these are not for sharing with anyone else.
Riddle me this!
How often do toothbrushes need to be changed?
Oh yeahhh..you got it right!
Oh noooo..you got it wrong!
Don't rinse after brushing as this washes away the fluoride in the toothpaste. Brush, spit, don't rinse!