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When things change Overhanging boy

It is normal for things to change, but sometimes this loss can be hard to cope with.

It might be that a good friend moves away, a loved pet dies or a special toy breaks. It is hard when our parents don’t get on and separate, or an older sister or brother moves out of our home. This can leave us feeling sad. We can find ourselves being upset and crying a lot.

There are some things you might wish you could ‘magic’ back the way they were, but this can’t happen so it is important that you understand why things have changed and where you can go for help when you are feeling sad or lonely.

What can you do?

It is really important and good to remember what we liked about these things and hold on to good memories.

It can help to talk about how you are feeling to an adult who you trust, like a parent, teacher or school nurse.

It can also be helpful to remember what we do have, as well as what we may have lost. It is good to remember for example that we have other friends, other toys, or a parent who does meet our needs. Thinking about these positive things can help us to feel happier.

Families Matter

We all need our families or people who care for us. When people we love are not doing okay, this can be hard and will affect how we feel and the way we behave. It is good to talk about how things are for our families with people we trust. Sometimes other people can help them and take away some of our worries.

You may also want to ring Childline on 0800 1111 if you feel that you have no one you can trust to speak to.

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Find the person you trust the most, who is able to listen to how you are feeling.
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