Should you need urgent health advice please contact your GP or call NHS 111. In an emergency please visit A&E or call 999.
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Feeling worried Overhanging boy

Feeling 'worried' can describe lots of different feelings from being tired, upset or a bit shaky, to frustrated, on edge or a bit sick.

You might be worried about something in particular, like a test, or you might not know why you feel worried, which is normal and okay too.

Ways to stop feeling worried

When you are feeling worried, you can begin to lack confidence and start feeling that you’re not good enough.

This is normal. The best thing to do is to stop, take a deep breath and focus on all the things you are good at or talented at, however small they may seem.

Thinking positive thoughts will help you feel better in yourself.

Activity Character
Activity Zakk Head to our games area to play our Lanterns game and watch your worries float away.

Other ways to stop yourself from feeling worried include:

These will help your body feel fit and strong.

Sometimes the best solution is to relax – find a comfortable chair to sit in or have a lie down, slow down your breathing and chill out.

Nurse holding image
Why not find someone you trust and talk to them – it might be a parent, a friend, a teacher or your school nurse. Sharing a problem often makes it seem less huge.
Nurse holding image

Page last reviewed: 12-12-2024

Next review due: 12-12-2027