Should you need urgent health advice please contact your GP or call NHS 111. In an emergency please visit A&E or call 999.
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The doctor Overhanging boy

The doctor is a person who knows how to help you stay healthy and how to help you get better when you are sick or hurt.

Lots of people help to keep you safe and healthy, including your teachers, parents and your friends.

If you are feeling poorly, your parents/carers might take you to see a doctor. A doctor is sometimes called a GP which stands for General Practitioner.

The doctor is a person who knows how to help you stay healthy and how to help you get better when you are sick or hurt.

Finding what’s wrong

When you go to see the doctor they will ask you questions to try and find out what is making you feel poorly. They might give you a check-up, also called a physical examination to try and find out what is wrong.

They might look in your ears and throat too, and sometimes they might listen to your heart and lungs.

Sometimes doctors check your temperature using a thermometer. If you are too hot, it might mean that your body is working hard to fight off an infection.

Brain Borg
Did You Know?
Brain borg You can check your pulse by counting how many times your heart beats in a minute. This is also known as your heart rate. Your heart rate can vary depending on what you're doing. For example, it will be slower if you're sleeping and faster if you're exercising. Have you ever tried to check your heart rate?

Helping to make you better

The doctor will then make a plan to help you get better. This might include giving you some medicine, which might not taste very nice but will help make you better. He might also tell you that you are okay.

Activity Character
Activity Zakk How many star jumps you can do whilst singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star? Do this every day for a month and see if you can beat your record!
Riddle me this!
Which activity makes your heart beat faster?
Quiz girl
Quiz girl
Quiz girl
Nurse holding image
If you have any questions during your check-up, be sure to ask your doctor. By learning about your body, you can learn about ways to stay healthy.
Nurse holding image

Page last reviewed: 31-01-2022

Next review due: 31-01-2025