Should you need urgent health advice please contact your GP or call NHS 111. In an emergency please visit A&E or call 999.
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Operation Ouch!- Fever Overhanging boy

Having a fever is very common, and rarely anything serious.

Check out this video from our friends at Operation Ouch! with more on fevers, how it can make you feel and what to do if you have a fever.

Brain Borg
Did You Know?
Brain borg A normal temperature for a child is around 36.6°C.

Thank you to Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland CCGs, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, University Hospitals of Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Dr. Mark Lyttle and Dr. Damian Roland for their input and resource but especially to the Operation Ouch team for their enthusiasm for this initiative.

Riddle me this!
What is the normal body temperature for a child?
Quiz girl
Quiz girl
Quiz girl
Nurse holding image
Using a thermometer that goes in your ear to take your temperature is best as they give the most accurate readings.
Nurse holding image

Page last reviewed: 13-12-2024

Next review due: 13-12-2027