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MMR vaccinations advice issued

  • Date published:

  • Author: dgodsall

Parents and guardians of young children urged to check they are up to date

Parents and carers of young children in Nottinghamshire are being encouraged to check that they are up to date with their MMR vaccinations.
The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) supported by UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the NHS have launched a new campaign encouraging parents and guardians of children aged 1 to 5 years to check that they are up to date with their MMR vaccines and encourage those that may have missed their appointments to come forward.
Uptake of most routine childhood vaccinations has been declining over the past 5 to 10 years. It is extremely important that all babies and children receive their routine vaccinations at the right time in order to give them the best start in life.
Diseases like smallpox and polio have been eradicated in the UK thanks to vaccines.
The MMR vaccine protects against three infections: measles, mumps and rubella. One in 10 children under the age of 5 in England haven’t had one or both of their MMR vaccines which means that measles importations could lead to outbreaks.
Measles can infect around 9 out of 10 non-immune (those who are unvaccinated or have not previously been infected with the measles virus) people exposed to it and can lead to serious complications. The MMR vaccine is the safest and most effective way for parents and guardians to protect their children against measles, mumps and rubella.
Now, parents and guardians are being encouraged to ensure their children are vaccinated against MMR, and if they can’t remember if their child is up to date, to check his or her Red Book (personal child health record).
Parents or guardians of children who are not up to date with their two doses of MMR vaccine should contact their GP practice to book an appointment. It’s never too late to catch up.
Protect your child with both MMR vaccines. Contact your GP practice to book their first or second dose.
Find out more at
A flyer entitled ‘Measles: don’t let your child catch it’ can be downloaded in various languages from
