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It’s time to say shoo to the flu! – free flu vaccination

  • Date published:

  • Author: tinabhundia

The children's flu vaccine is offered as a yearly nasal spray to young children to help protect them against flu.


Why get your child vaccinated?

It is free and protects you child and family from potentially serious problems.

The vaccination is a quick and simple nose spray that works the same as a flu jab.

Giving your child the flu spray will stop the spread.

Older people and those with illnesses are most at risk if they catch flu from children.

Flu changes all the time, so even if your child had it last year it is vital they have it again this year.

Your school should send details of when the Immunisation Team will visit and how you can consent.

Children aged two three can get their nasal spray through their GP.

Find out more:

The Protecting Your Child Against Flu leaflet is available in different languages

