Should you need urgent health advice please contact your GP or call NHS 111. In an emergency please visit A&E or call 999.

Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust is responsible for the writing, publishing and updating of the content on this page.

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Service listings

Family services


For information on Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Healthy Sandwell

Healthy Sandwell is a one-stop shop for a range of health and wellbeing services which can support with healthy lifestyle choices like exercise and weight loss.

Immunisation Team

Offer school based immunisations to children and young people in Sandwell contact the team on:

Sandwell Family Information Service

The Family Information Service (FIS) is a dedicated service within Sandwell Council.

We provide free, confidential and impartial advice and guidance on all aspects of childcare and related services, covering all aspects of family life for all families, children, young people and professionals in Sandwell.

Sandwell School Nursing

We are a friendly dedicated team of nurses who provide a caring, consistent and quality service to young people across Sandwell.  Our aim is to ensure that children and young people (aged 5-19) are well supported within their school and their community and that they are able to access extra help and care should they need it. There is a dedicated team of nurses for each of the six towns in Sandwell.


All secondary schools have a named School Health Nurse (SHN), although schools can contact any team member for advice or support. The service has a duty nurse available five days a week to answer general enquiries. School Nurses can offer advice in person at Here for You sessions held weekly in each secondary school and community school. Parents of children in primary school can access Here for You sessions in school for advice. Times for sessions are listed for individual schools.

Sandwell Young Carers

Supports children & young people who are in caring roles for a member of their family

Tel: 0121 525 7667 Support: 0121 525 8002

Sandwell’s Safeguarding Children Team

Female Genital Mutilation

What should you do if you think someone is at risk of FGM?

If they are still in the country – please call the police on 101 (or 999 if an emergency).

If they are are outside of the UK –  contact the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on 020 7008 1500. From overseas the number is +44 (0)20 7008 1500.
You can also call the FGM helpline on 0808 028 3550.

For local information and advice please contact Sandwell’s Safeguarding Children Team on 0121 569 4800.

The Children’s Therapy and Nurse Service

The Children’s Therapy and Nurse Service is an integrated service consisting of Community Children’s Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, and Speech and Language Therapists. For further information use the website link below:

Getting help

Cranstoun Sandwell

Cranstoun Sandwell provides free and confidential advice and support to adults in Sandwell, who would like to talk about alcohol or drugs.

Drug, alcohol and smoking advice and support

For information on drugs, alcohol and smoking and access to support

Forced Marriage Unit

Forced marriage is abuse! It is not a cultural tradition – it is an abuse of human rights.

If you or someone you know is being forced into a marriage, help and advice is available.

What should you do if you are worried about a forced marriage?

If you or someone you know is being forced into marriage either in the UK or abroad you should contact the Forced Marriage Unit. You can contact the unit by calling 020 7008 0151 or 020 7008 1500 (out of office hours). You can also email

In Sandwell you can contact:

  • Sandwell Women’s Aid on 0121 552 6448 (24 hours)
  • Children’s services on 0121 569 3100
  • Adult services on 0121 569 2266, Monday – Thursday 9am – 5.30pm and 9am to 5pm on Fridays. Outside these hours call 0121 569 2355

Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people


Mermaids support trans and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families.


Sandwell BEAM

BEAM: Your emotional health and well-being service

BEAM provide drop-in sessions for children and young people between the ages of 5-18 years old, or up to 25 for care leavers, with advice, signposting and support with any low level concerns relating to emotional health and wellbeing.