Healthy Weight and Exercise

Helping children and young people make healthy lifestyle choices, including helping them maintain a healthy weight and stay physically active is important to their overall health and development.
Whilst your child is in school they will meet a member of the school nurse team who will record your child’s height and weight measurement as part of the National Child Measurement Programme(NCMP). In Walsall we measure children in Reception, Year 4, Year 6 and year 10. You will receive a letter explaining more about the programme a few weeks before the measurements take place. The benefits of the programme will be explained however you are still able to opt for your children not to be measured.
We also offer a parent workshop whilst offer advice and support about health lifestyles. We can also tell you about some of the other services and sources of support to help you and your family maintain a healthy lifestyle
Others sources of information and support
- Change4life has a range of resources and signposting to support healthy choices