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Dental Survey 2024/25

Pre-teen male cleaning teeth in mirror
  • Date published:

  • Author: amyr

Buckinghamshire Council are inviting all parents to fill in this short dental health survey for their Primary School Aged Children.

Public Health, part of Buckinghamshire Council are surveying parental views of children from Reception to Year 6 about Dental Health.

We are asking parents/guardians of children in Reception and Year 6 at primary school to please spend a few minutes completing this survey about dental health.

The information you provide will help Buckinghamshire Council to monitor changes in the dental health of children across the County and their dental routines, helping to highlight any areas that need to be addressed.

Please complete a new survey for each child you have in Reception or Year 6.

The survey is completely anonymous. By answering these questions accurately you can help us to highlight any areas of children’s dental health that need to be addressed.

Thank you in advance for completing this survey

Further information

For further information and advice about dental health, and to find a dentist, please visit the NHS website.

For information and details of local services to encourage healthy eating, physical activity and promoting health and wellbeing please visit Health and Wellbeing Bucks.