Road Safety
Road safety is a great subject in which to engage children and young people. It’s a subject even the youngest children know something about because everyone uses roads, and road danger impacts on everyone. It’s also a vitally important subject.
As a parent, you will have understandable road safety concerns for your child, however there are key steps you can take to help protect your child.
It is important to educate your child on the Green Cross Code. This is:
- Find a safe place to cross
- Stop just before you get to the kerb
- Look all around for traffic and listen
- If traffic is coming, let it pass
- When it is safe, go straight across the road – do not run
There are also many useful tips to talk to your child about when it comes to road safety, some of which are:
- Paths and pavements are for people; roads are for traffic.
- Never go out near roads without a grown up. Hold their hand and don’t let go.
- Stop at once if you are told. Never try to cross a road until you are told.
- Don’t run into the road or play on roads – play in a park or garden.
- You can help grown-ups look and listen for traffic to cross safely.
- Traffic lights and other crossings help people cross the road. When a red man appears, it means you must stop.
- If you are in a car, never undo your belt, play with door handles, or distract the driver
For further information and advice, you can also visit: