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Stranger Danger – Top Tips

  • Date published:

  • Author: simerdeepjapra

Stranger danger is the danger to children and adults, presented by strangers.
Whilst the risk posed by strangers is rare, it’s important to make children aware of these simple ten top tips they can follow to keep themselves safe.

  • Never go off on your own with a stranger, take things from them or get in a car with them
  • Make sure you tell your parents where you are
  • If someone scares you, or makes you feel uncomfortable go somewhere safe, which could be your home, your school or a police station.
  • Remember to tell someone what has happened straight away
  • Always dial 999 in an emergency
  • Never go up to a car to give directions – keep away so that no one can get hold of you and you can run away
  • Make sure your parents know where you are going and when you will be back, even if your plans change.
  • Stay with your group of friends – new wander off on your own.
  • Never agree to do a job for someone you don’t know in return for money
  • Always use the safest route to walk to school avoiding isolated places and dangerous roads to cross

If you would like any further advice or information, please see the following links: