Let’s Talk – free webinars for parents
Helping you to help your child/young person navigate their way through the challenges of growing up in today’s world.
South Devon Community Partnership have been running a series of successful online support sessions that provide parents and carers with the opportunity to learn more about the challenges facing children and young people today and discover ways to help them navigate their way through them.
There are currently 3 different Let’s talk sessions:
Let’s talk teenagers
These sessions cover topics such as exploring teenage relationships, mental health and emotional wellbeing, anger and challenging behaviour, bullying and online challenges including preventing radicalisation.
Parents who have joined previous sessions have said:
“Thank you so much for these great sessions and for all the encouragement, sometimes it’s so easy to blame ourselves as parents and feel like we are not doing enough for our children and feeling supported is so important.”
“I wasn’t sure what to expect, as sometimes online events can be difficult to follow and not always relevant to questions I have. This one was really punchy and interesting. I was able to impress my son with things I knew better than him and we were able to compare notes! I will recommend the new one you are doing to my friends.”
“These sessions have been so helpful. Thank you for all the information and support.”
“The work you are doing is VITALLY important. I have been feeling so alone and isolated as a single parent. This has made me feel supported in just an hr and a half. “
“This has been the best online service I have ever been on…thank you. worth every minute of our time and yours.”
Let’s talk pre-teens
These sessions are an opportunity for you as a parent or guardian of a young person aged approximately 9 to 12 years old to hear about the challenges they are facing today, and the tools you can use to support your children and community.
Parents who have joined previous sessions have said:
“Thank you so much for tonight’s session, I have already learnt so much and can’t wait for next week’s”
” A huge thank you for a very informative and useful session. It was great both as a parent of children in this age group, as well as in my role as a paediatric nurse. ”
“Thank you so very much, it’s been a most informative and very helpful 3 week course. I’ve learnt lots!”
Let’s talk about growing up in a porn culture
Whether we like it or not, children as young as primary age learn about sex every day in our digital age. Advertising, music, TV, movies and the Internet constantly bombard kids with a skewed version of sex and relationships.
The session is designed to help people understand the impact of pornography on kids and build resilience in our families and homes against the emotional, behavioural and sexual harms of pornography. Dr. Gail Dines and Dr. Mandy Sanchez will be joining virtually from America to share their knowledge and give essential tips and techniques on how to better protect your kids from the harms of pornography.
Information about dates and access to free tickets is via the Safer Devon and South Devon and Dartmoor CSP Eventbrite page.
Bitesize sessions
You can also now view the following bitesize sessions:
- Lets Talk Healthy Relationships
- Let’s Talk Emotional Wellbeing, Self Care, and Safety Planning
- Let’s Talk Online Challenges
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