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Healthy child programme

  • Date published:

  • Author: amyr

Livewell Southwest delivers the Healthy Child Programme, which starts with the advice and support of health visitors before your baby is born, right up to 5 years to give your child the best start in life.

The Healthy Child Programme is offered to all 0-5 year olds and their families. It consists of a programme of screening, immunisation and health and development reviews. The healthy child programme will primarily be delivered by your health visitor who will also be able to offer health, wellbeing and parenting advice.

Your health visitor will encourage you to access services and local groups in your community to support your child’s development and help to create a healthy environment in which your family can grow. There are child health clinics across Plymouth, where you can drop in and access the health visiting service. Your health visitor will provide information on how to attend these during their first contact.

If you need to contact the health visiting team you can call: 01752 434008
or email:

For more information about health visiting at Livewell, click here.