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5 things to think about when sharing images of your child online

Mum taking a photo
  • Date published:

  • Author: oliverkyle

Almost all of us have a social media profile in one form or another. Social media is great for sharing the important moments in our lives, whether it's a child's birthday, when they have achieved an award at school or simply do something to make you laugh.

Of course, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being proud of your kids, but there are some things you need to bear in mind when sharing images of your children online.

1. Review your social media account’s privacy settings

Make sure you are in complete control of who can see the photos you post on social media. Why not consider setting up a private social group with your family members and closest friends for sharing your family news?

Get more information on social media privacy settings here.

2. Keep checking your friend network

Review the network of friends on your social profiles regularly to make sure the people who are your ‘social friends’, are your actual friends, and that you are happy for them to see your pictures.

3. Conduct some final checks before posting

Before you hit the ‘post’ or ‘send’ button, double check the content and photo one more time to make sure you’re not giving away any personal details, like your house number, road name or bank details that you’ve left in shot on the kitchen side!

4. Get permission if your photo features other children

If you’ve taken a great photo of all the children at your child’s party or you’ve taken a shot of a group of little ones on their first day at primary school, make sure you seek permission from the parents of the other children featured before you share the photo online.

5. Controlling your child’s digital footprint

While they’re little, you control your child’s digital footprint, so remember that anything you post online has the potential to affect them later on in life. As your child gets older and becomes more aware, talk to them about what you’re posting and begin to educate them around the potential impact of what you share. Check out the links below for more advice.

Useful links