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Looking after your teeth

  • Date published:

  • Author: nmoore

Children should be supervised by an adult brushing their teeth until they are 7 years old. By the age of 7 it is recommended that you are able to brush your teeth on your own! You should visit your dentist every six months from when teeth appear. If you cannot register with a dentist you can contact 0113 824 7343 and we will advise you of a local available dental practice or clinic to attend.



Top tips for brushing teeth:

  • Teeth should be brushed twice a day (morning and before bed) for two minutes using a pea sized amount or smear of fluoride toothpaste on your toothbrush. To help with this you could use a timer or an app such as BrushDJ to make sure you do brush for two minutes!
  • When you brush your teeth make sure that you brush all surfaces of your teeth – the inside, outside and chewing surfaces to make sure they are all clean – don’t rinse your toothbrush with water whilst cleaning!
  • Once you have brushed all your teeth spit out any excess toothpaste and rinse your toothbrush off under the tap and put it away – but do not rinse your mouth with water! This is because it will wash away the toothpaste off your teeth that is there to protect them.
  • Eating a healthy balanced diet also helps you keep your teeth strong and healthy! Drinking water rather than fizzy drinks or squash reduces the attacks on your teeth. To find the sugar limits for your age check out


Handy Hints for parents:

  • Dried fruit should be only be eaten at mealtimes
  • Toothpaste should be of 1350ppm – 1500ppm (this can be found on the tube)
  • Children aged 6 and under who do not have dental decay can use toothpaste of 1000ppm
  • Speak to your School Nurse regards support and advice on tooth brushing charts and support in maintaining good oral health, contact your child’s school