Crucial Crew
Crucial Crew is a multi-agency partnership event aimed at Year 6 students (10/11yrs) designed to provide them with life skills and knowledge, that will in the future help to keep themselves and others safe. This project provides an invaluable insight to children and young people through the transition from primary to Secondary school.
Crucial Crew aims to raise children’s awareness of important safety issues, encouraging them to think about their own and others safety and guiding them on what to do in a number of potentially unsafe situations.
Children start to become more independent as they get older, and are often expected to cope increasingly on their own, and deal with changes in their lives, especially with the transition from primary to secondary school.
The following services are all involved in the delivery of different scenarios throughout the event for all of the children to experience:
- Telford and Wrekin Council/Shropshire Council
- West Mercia Police
- School Nursing Team
- Civil Resilience
- Leisure services / Royal Life Saving Association
- Western Power
- Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service
- T& W Road Safety/Shropshire Road Safety
- T & W Public Protection/Shropshire Public Protection
- Streetkings – sporting activities
- DentalThe event enables young people to have the opportunities to:
- Crucial Crew is run out in the local community at a central base and is for 3 weeks usually in June / July. Over 2000 attend from 54 schools from across the Telford and Wrekin area. As Crucial Crew is open to all schools it caters for all cultures and diversity within the school population.
- Become more aware of personal and peer safety
- Learn how to react to potentially dangerous situations
- Make a positive contribution to local communities
- Identify actions to reduce the risk of becoming victims of crime.Telford Public Health Nursing Service single point of access, 0333 358 3328
- Shropshire Public Health Nursing Service single point of access, 0333 358 3654
- To find out more about your local Crucial Crew please contact,