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Community Nurses for Children with a Learning Disability

  • Date published:

  • Author: susieking

Who are we?

We are a small team of professionals who are either qualified nurses or who have had extensive training and experience of working with people with Learning Disabilities. We aim to work with families and agencies to improve health outcomes for children and young people with a learning disability.


 What can our service offer you?

  • We enable families to work on difficulties they are experiencing with their child/young person’s behaviour, toileting or sleep through an individual care plan.
  • We see children/young people in various settings to help us understand which areas they need help with.
  • We liaise with other professionals to help enhance your child/young persons overall experience of services.
  • Provide families with information and advice, or sign post you to other resources and services when needed.
  • Support the child/young person and their families through transition into adult services.
  • On request from schools we work with groups of children /young people around growing up and health promotion.


How referrals are made to us

Any professional who knows your family can make a referral to us on your behalf, but it is important that your child meets the eligibility criteria.



  • We are commissioned to work with any child/young person aged 0 -19 years who is formally diagnosed as having a learning disability.
  • Children/young people aged between 5-16 years who are diagnosed with a learning disability who have continence difficulties – usually referred to us via their Health Visitor.
  • The child/young person must be registered with a General Practitioner in Buckinghamshire.
  • We can work with children/young people placed in residential settings, but this must be for no more than 38 weeks per year.
  • The family requires social support exclusively for housing or respite and not for a health focussed need, as above.


Contact Details

Community Nurses for children with a Learning Disability

Children & Young People’s Services

Hale Acre Unit

Amersham Hospital,

Whielden Street,




Tel no: 01296 838000  Option 8
