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Introducing ChatAutism

  • Date published:

  • Author: oliverkyle

ChatAutism is a text messaging service for diagnosed and non-diagnosed autistic people, their families and carers to get confidential help and advice.

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ChatAutism is a messaging service that provides a safe and easy way to send a text message to a healthcare professional and get confidential help and advice.

Through ChatAutism, people can access advice and support directly from the Specialist Autism Team. You can chat with a fully qualified professional about:

  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Healthy relationships
  • Drugs, alcohol and smoking
  • Understanding autism
  • Signposting to advice and support
  • Assessment and diagnosis advice

This service is open to people of all ages.


Text the Specialist Autism Team on:

07312 277097

or start a chat here.

The service is available 9am-5pm every week day, excluding bank holidays. The text line stays open during the school holidays too. You will receive a response within 24 hours, Monday to Friday.

This service is totally confidential: your information will only be shared if the health professional is worried about you or someone else’s safety or if you share information which may be concerning or put you or someone else at risk or danger.

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