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Online School Readiness

  • Date published:

  • Author: callumkimberley

Sandwell School Nursing Service is offering online support to parents and children to help get ready for school.

Summer time is a really exciting time for the Sandwell School Nursing Team as we help children and parents get ready for school in September. Listening to feedback from parents and schools, some children may need a little extra time and help to get ready for school. A happy time for some but a worrying time for others and this can have a big impact on children starting school life.

School readiness sessions are normally located all over Sandwell from community centres, schools and libraries. Unfortunately due to Covid-19, this year we won’t be able to meet face to face with families but that has not stopped the School Nursing team providing support to our families.

This year we have arranged to communicate with our families virtually to share information. A story time will be online recorded by our School Nurses for children to enjoy. There are specific areas where the child may need help such as bedwetting/ toileting, healthy eating, emotional well-being, accident prevention, head lice and hygiene. Parents and their children are invited to attend our sessions to seek advice and support.
