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Selective eating: information for parents

  • Date published:

  • Author: callumkimberley

Selective eating is a normal part of child development and peaks at around 3 years old. Around 25% of children experience this into older years and are labelled fussy eaters.

Often children may have issues with taste, shape, colour or texture of particular foods. Children’s appetites go up and down depending on how much they’re growing and how active they are. Children are likely to get less fussy as they get older. It can be a worry for parents when children do not appear to be eating their meals, meal times can quickly become a stressful time for the parent and the child. There is information in our presentation to support you in encouraging your child to have a balanced diet and work towards relaxed meal times.

Take a look at the below, downloadable Child Feeding Guide for further information or speak to your School Nurse on 0121 612 2974
