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School readiness

  • Date published:

  • Author: callumkimberley

If your four year-old has just heard about their place in reception, you may be interested to hear that the Sandwell School Nursing Service will be here to help you.

During the summer each year we run a School Readiness Project. The aim of the project is to help you support your child to be ready for school in September. As you will know, children develop at different rates. Some children will be turning five when they start in Reception and others will only just have turned four. Some children are ready and raring to go! Other children may need a little extra time and help to get used to the idea. Each summer families are invited to attend our school readiness community days for fun and freebies. We send out information nearer the time inviting you to along to one of the drop in sessions for information on the services we provide and how we can support with the health of your child. Keep a look out for information about our School Readiness support; it may look a little different this year due to COVID-19.


There are specific areas which our School Readiness Project aims to support parents and children. In preparation for School these are areas to start to think about and practice with your child:

Getting dressed: for example getting dressed and undressed, putting on shoes and taking them off, fastening coats. Play time and lunch time: opening snacks and lunch boxes, managing a knife and fork. Going to the toilet: handwashing and cleaning up after using the toilet.

We have included a helpful chart with steps for independence to support you in preparing your child for school. (PDF)


In September your child will move from the care of health visitors in to the care of the School Health Nurse team. During your child’s time at school we can offer lots of support and advice with many health issues such as:

  • Bedwetting / toileting
  • Head lice
  • Hygiene
  • Healthy eating
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Accident prevention


All reception children will be routinely weighed and measured as part of the Government’s National Child Measurement programme which can lead to support with weight management.