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Help with bedwetting

  • ssutton

Bed wetting is a common problem and it can run in families Most children will grow out of bed wetting and become dry during the night. However for some children it can take longer for them to grow out of it and they may need some additional help. Wetting the bed can be upsetting for the child and for their parents. Some children miss out on activities such as sleep overs with friends because they are embarrassed about the bed wetting. The good new is that there are treatments and interventions that can help most children become dry. The School Nurse is on hand to help.

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Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour

  • ssutton

Most of the time our children are well behaved however they all have moments when they become angry, perhaps shout or kick or hit. Parents/carers can feel helpless or upset or too blame when their child does not behave well. These feelings and thoughts might get in the way of asking for help. However, It is important to seek support and advice as soon as you can. This way, help can be put in place for your child and the rest of the family. Read on and we can tell you more about what support is available and how to access the support.

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  • callumkimberley

We’ve put together a number of resources to help you talk to your children about coronavirus.

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Do you need some advice about your child's health or development? You might have questions about healthy weight, emotional health, behaviour or many other health topics. You can now contact a school nurse by text on 07520 634909. 

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